Linux commands for Beginners

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Introduction to Linux commads

Working with Linux debian terminal can be daunting task for beginners. But with the help of Linux commands, we can significantly enhance our productivity and understanding of the Linux system.

We have made a list of 10 important commands for Linux. Let us see them, which, in like manner, will help us to increase our knowledge about the Linux system.

Linux commands
Linux terminal

1. ‘pwd’ (print working directory):

The pwd command displays our current location/directory we are working in. Accordingly, we can also use it to confirm our location if we had changed it previously.

2. ‘ls’ (list) :

To view the contents of a directory, use ‘ls’. It will list all the files and folders in your current directory. You can also use ‘ls -l’ to view a detailed information about each file and directory.

3. ‘cd’ (change directory) :

This command is used to navigate through the file system. For example, ‘cd /home/user/downloads’ will take you to the Downloads directory

4. ‘mkdir’ (Make Directory) :

If you need to create a new directory, ‘mkdir’ followed by the name of the directory will do the job. For example: ‘mkdir para_home’ creates a new folder named ‘para_home’.

5. ‘cp’ (Copy) :

To copy files from one location to another, use ‘cp’. For example: ‘cp file.txt /home/user/Desktop’ will copy the file.txt to the Desktop.

6. ‘mv’ (Move) :

Similar to ‘cp’, but ‘mv’ moves the file instead of copying it. It can also be used to rename files.

7. ‘rm’ (Remove) :

Be cautious with this command, as it deletes files and directories without moving them to the trash. ‘rm file.txt’ will delete the file named file.txt

8. ‘man’ (Manual) :

Almost every command in Linux has a manual page that describes its functions and how to use it. For example: ‘man ls’ will show the manual page for the ‘ls’ command.

9. ‘sudo’ (SuperUser DO) :

Some commands require administrative privilages to execute. Prepending ‘sudo’ to a command runs it will the elevated administrative permissions after you enter your password.

10. ‘apt’ (Advanced Package Tool) :

Debian’s package manager is used to install, update, and remove software. For example, ‘sudo apt update’ will update the list of available packages and their versions.

Conclusion of Linux commands

These commands are the foundation of interacting with the linux terminal. As you advance, you will discover many more commands and shortcuts that can help you manage your system efficiently. 





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