What is PEP 8?

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What is PEP 8?

Introduction to PEP 8

PEP 8, or Python Enhancement Proposal 8, is the official style guide for writing clean and readable Python code. 

It provides conventions and best practices for formatting Python code to ensure consistency and improve readability across different Python projects.

Some key points covered in PEP 8 include:

Code layout in PEP 8

  • Indentation: PEP 8 recommends 4 spaces per indentation level (no tabs).
  • Maximum Line Length: For readability and maintainability, lines should limit to 79 characters.
  • Blank Lines: To separate top-level functions and class definitions, you can use two blank lines. For method definition inside classes, you can use one blank line.

Naming conventions in PEP 8

  • Variable and Functions: Use lower-case with underscores. e.g: my_variable or my_function.
  • Classes: One can follow CapWord convention making Class names. e.g: MyClass
  • Constants: You should write constants with all capital letter with underscores. For example: MY_CONSTANT


Imports should be on separate lines and ordered in a standard way: standard libraries first, followed by third-party libraries, and then local imports. 

import os
import sys

import numpy as np


  • You can avoid extraneous whitespace in expressions and statements (Avoid unnecessary spaces around operators).
  • Example:
  • # Correct:x = 10 + 20
  • # Incorrect: x = 10 + 20


  • You can use comments to explain the purpose of the code, especially for complex or non-obvious logic.
  • Docstrings: Use docstrings (triple quotes) to describe modules, classes, and functions. They should be clear and concise.
  • Two spaces should separate the inline comments from the statement.


  • PEP 8 emphasizes the importance of consistency. If you’re working on a team or contributing to a project, It’s important to follow the existing style guide to maintain a uniform codebase.

By following PEP 8, developers can ensure their code is more readable, maintainable, and consistent, which is crucial for collaboration and long-term project success.”

This answer not only explains the guideline is but also covers some of its key guidelines, demonstrating your understanding of how to write clean and standardized Python code.





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